Monday, July 3, 2017

Mindful Mentoring

A leader is a mindful mentor and continuously follows five steps to guide decision making, creation, and collaboration with colleagues. 

These five steps are:

  1. Question: Use this cycle of questions and ensure that all voices are heard. Start with asking about what is going well, then ask about challenges, hold others accountable for actions by asking about next steps, and finally ask for what kind of support is needed.  
  2. Listen: Practice listening with an open mind and an open heart. Make time to hear all ideas and suggestions before moving forward and listen without making judgments on the ideas presented.
  3. Acknowledge: Appreciate others for their contributions. Acknowledge positive and negative behaviors. Be fair, honest, and kind when interacting with others.    
  4. Suggest: Offer suggestions to solve problems and never push ideas onto others. When asked, provide specific feedback and always practice a growth mindset.
  5. Empower: Be empowered by surrounding yourself with positive mentors and continuous learning opportunities. Empower others with authentic relationships and mutual respect.  

This HyperDoc includes resources for students or staff to participate in a mindfulness mini-unit. 
View lessons at


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